Friday, May 12, 2023

Free Download Captain Bob  1.0.13

Free Download Captain Bob 1.0.13

Download Captain Bob 1.0.13 For Free

Have fun with Captain Bob by travelling around the universe jumping from star to star. Collect objects and increase your score to improve your equipment

Discovering outer space's mysteries is much easier than what you thought... more or less. You only need an Android phone and an addictive game like Captain Bob.

Application Details

  • Name : Captain Bob
  • Operating System : Android
  • Current Version: 1.0.13
  • License : FREE
  • Developer : Bob Buble Hala
In this game we'll handle an astronaut that has landed on a barren planet. By tapping the screen we can make him jump and collect celestial bodies and equipment improvements. Jump from star to star nad build up your score.

The truth is that designing stars is slightly sui generis, so if you really want to learn about the Universe, take a look at the Cosmos. However, this game is definitely going to give you a really good time.

The truth is that designing stars is slightly sui generis, so if you really want to learn about the Universe, take a look at the Cosmos. However, this game is definitely going to give you a really good time.
If you're looking for the latest version of Captain Bob for Android, You have come to the right place. You can download Captain Bob for FREE direct download original file, scanned application, complete with antivirus result. Minimum operating system requirements: Android 2.3..

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